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Guardianship Auction

Guardianship Auction

Start Time
End Time
Preview date and time:  There will not be an open preview for this auction.
Lancaster Moving Auction

Lancaster Moving Auction

Start Time
End Time
Estate of John Mason

Estate of John Mason

Start Time
End Time
Preview date and time:  A preview will be available from 4PM to 6PM on Tuesday, October 29th. We encourage anyone who wants to know more information or see items in person to attend the preview. 
Karst Masonry Live With Online Bidding

Karst Masonry Live With Online Bidding

Start Time
Preview date and time: Thursday, August 22nd from 11AM to 1PM. 
Hebron estate auction

Hebron estate auction

Start Time
End Time
There will not be an open preview for this auction. We will do our best to take good quality photos and write descriptions to match. If you need additional information, please ask at least 48 hours prior to the auction ending. 
City of Pataskala Surplus Online Only Auction

City of Pataskala Surplus Online Only Auction

Start Time
End Time
There will not be an open preview for this vehicle. If you do want to see it in person, call Auctioneer Michael Hoffman at 614-314-0298 at least 48 hours prior to auction ending and we will see if we can get it worked out.
Columbus Estate Auction

Columbus Estate Auction

Start Time
End Time
There will not be an open preview for this auction. We will do our best to take good quality photos and write descriptions to match. If you need additional information, please ask at least 48 hours prior to the auction ending. 
Lancaster Estate Auction

Lancaster Estate Auction

Start Time
End Time
There will be no open preview for this auction.
Downsizing Auction in Columbus

Downsizing Auction in Columbus

Start Time
End Time
There will be no open preview for this auction. 
City of Pataskala Surplus Auction

City of Pataskala Surplus Auction

Start Time
End Time
Collector knife online auction

Collector knife online auction

Start Time
End Time
There will not be an open preview for this auction
March Live & Online Auction

March Live & Online Auction

Start Time
Preview: We are adding in an additional preview on Friday, March 8th from 3PM to 5PM ONLY at 15266 Gilchrist Rd, Mt. Vernon, OH.  The gates will open at 8AM on Saturday, March 9th and vehicles/boats/big ticket items will be offered at Noon so that you have additional time to check them out.